Protect Wild Horses and Burros in Red Rock Canyon

Protect Wild Horses and Burros in Red Rock Canyon

Wild horses and burros are a sight to behold. Unaccompanied by a cowboy or rancher, these wild animals seemingly are out of place, yet thrive, which create perplexing management challenges due to the ecological impact of their presence. In Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area ("RRCNC) in southern Nevada, a special burro has reigned in celebrity status for its representation of the Wild Burro Horse and Burro Adoption Program.

Jackson, the Red Rock burro, was adopted by the Southern Nevada Conservancy in 2012 with the intent to change public perception of wild horses and burros. Jackson has since become one of the main attractions of RRCNC. A wrangler is aways on hand to manage encounters and tell stories about Jackson's adoption, upbringing, and the lives of his cousins in the wild. Jackson not only represents an educational touch point for the surrounding area, but embodies the positive light of these fine animals. For these reasons, we're proud Wild Tribute's 4 the Parks donations have supported Jackson's worthy cause.


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