4 The Parks

Reusable Bags in Grand Teton National Park

Reusable Bags in Grand Teton National Park

Our National Park system is not immune to our nations bad habits, and it’s important to consider reducing your footprint while on your visit to any National Park. This year, Wild Tribute is donating stacks of stickers to Grand Teton National Park to use as giveaways to the park visitors that purchase goods from their Visitor Centers.  We’re not talking about your average free “swag”, but as an incentive to refuse to take single use plastic bags out of their stores.  If their clients bring their own bag or utilize one of the store provided reusable options, they get a free Wild Tribute designed sticker to take with them as a remembrance of their trip of a lifetime.

Grand Teton Association (GTA), founded in 1937, is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization and has a long history of supporting education, interpretation and research initiatives of agency partners. GTA inspires deeper connection, better understanding, and enduring support for our public lands.

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Wild Tribute was founded to honor our parks, forests, and oceans. We donate 4% of our proceeds to support America's historic and wild places. Our designs pay tribute to where legacy roams.