4 The Oceans

Ocean Conservancy's Trash Free Seas Program

Ocean Conservancy's Trash Free Seas Program

Wild Tribute's 4% donations are fighting for Trash Free Seas.

Have you ever walked along a beautiful beach and been surprised to find a piece of plastic at your feet? You might be even more surprised to learn that together with volunteers like you, Ocean Conservancy has picked up more than 220 million pounds of trash in the last 30 years. And the problem goes deeper than what you’re seeing on the beaches. Scientists estimate that more than 11 million metric tons of plastics are entering our ocean every year.

If we don’t act now, there could be a pound of plastic for every 3 pounds of fish in the ocean within the next decade. Ocean Conservancy has been at the forefront of the trash free seas challenge for more than 30 years. Trash in the ocean has serious consequences for all of us, but there is hope. With your help, we can solve the ocean plastic crisis together. Learn more about this initiative here.

Learn more about Ocean Conservancy here.

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Wild Tribute was founded to honor our parks, forests, and oceans. We donate 4% of our proceeds to support America's historic and wild places. Our designs pay tribute to where legacy roams.